Monday, 16 April 2012

Millionaire Habit 8: The Ability to Turn Failure into Success

The fi nal millionaire habit is the ability to accept failure and to turn it into success. Most people have the impression that successful people never fail and that millionaires never lose money. As a result, many people fear failure and shun those who have fl opped. This is a huge lie and distortion that prevents people from becoming rich. The truth is that everybody fails at one point or another. In fact, millionaires fail more times than anybody else because they take so much more action. I have made countless stupid mistakes, lost a lot of money and have failed so often that I have lost count. So mark my words, you will fail many times before you ever succeed. What’s important is what you do about failure. This is the critical habit that makes the difference between the rich and the poor. There are three ways people respond to failure. The fi rst group of people get so disappointed by their failure that they just give up! They would say, ‘I tried it but I failed’ or ‘I tried investing but it didn’t

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