Monday, 16 April 2012

Millionaire Habit 3: Take 100% Responsibility

As this wealth habit has already been introduced and explained in the earlier chapter, I am just going to just mention it briefl y. Wealth habit number three is the habit of taking responsibility for your results and wealth! Unfortunately most people choose to adopt the victim’s mindset of giving excuses, blaming and complaining. Remember when you give excuses to yourself (i.e. no time, no luck, no capital, no experience, etc...) or blame others for your lack of wealth, then you are putting others and external events in control of your life! When you are not in control, you do not have the power to change your circumstances. Instead, millionaires take 100% responsibility for their wealth. They believe that they alone create their wealth through their strategies and actions. As a result, they know that they have the power to change their wealth by changing their strategies and actions. It is only when you live by this habit will you have the power to exponentially multiply your income and wealth.

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