Thursday, 19 April 2012

Tired millionare

What if you become tired? What if your have no energy and have no motivation to do what you love. To focus on your strength and your ability to be successful. Your energy is depleted to unnecessary work. Your energy is wasted. What Should you do? What motivation left.

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Can you become rich by investing in Forex?

We hear and see a lof of Forex Advertisment on Internet. They claim that you can become instant rich by investing in currency. It's not difficult to find and read about forex investment, forex tool and forex tutorial. It's true that some people make money one forex while other will lose money. It's possible to say that forex is cheat games, it's not real and it's manipulating other people wealth trough speculation. It's not wise to invest on something you can hold or you can't see. But for some people it's very profitable. There are many forex investment program. My advise is to start small and don't be greedy. I'ts look like a fun experience to see how many money you own or lose by looking at monitor chart screen. So enjoy and be careful. Be moderate and do it for experience and for fun. tq

Monday, 16 April 2012

‘Do it myself ’ mentality

Most of the houses he sold were worth about $2 million each. Every time he closed a sale, he would earn a commission of 1% or $20,000. Now, it took him roughly ten days of showing houses to many prospects before someone eventually buys. This means that each day is worth a potential $2,000! ($20,000 in commission divided by 10 days). Most real estate agents never become super rich because they always have the ‘do it myself ’ mentality and dare not invest in other people. But Dennis knew that if he were to hire an assistant to do the paperwork and telemarketing, it would cost him salaries of about $4,000 a month, or around $200 a day. However, if he were to do all these tasks himself, he would save this $200 a day, but it would cost him a potential loss of $2,000, as he would not be able to spend this time showing houses! This would be a net loss of $1,800!

How delegation can create more money?

Now among all my activities, which one do you think created the most profi ts? The answer is when I was training. Every day I trained, I earned for my business $5,000 (100 students multiplied by $50 per student). However, because I had to do all the other activities, I only had the time and energy to do a maximum of six training days a month, thus the most I could gross was $30,000 a month. I thought of hiring people to do the administration, logistics and accounting but I was initially too stingy. I thought to myself, ‘If I hire an administrative assistant, I would have to pay the person $2,000 a month’. ‘If I do it myself, then I would save the money!’. What I did not realize then was that by doing the admin, accounts, logistics and selling myself, I was actually losing money everyday! Why? You see, every day was worth a potential $5,000 if I spent it doing training. If I were to hire an administration assistant, I would have to pay the person $2,000 a month, which works out to $100 a day (assuming 20 working days a month). If I did the administration work myself, I would save $100 a day. However, I would be losing a potential $5,000 as I would not be able to be out training. So although I save a potential $100, I lose a potential $5,000, I end up losing $4,900! The moment I realized this, I went out and hired an assistant to take care of all my admin work like fi ling, answering calls, arranging logistics, coordinating with clients and so on... This freed me of a collective fi ve days a month which I could now spend doing training and earning my business an additional $25,000 a month. Not bad, I invested $2,000 to earn back $25,000!

Times equal money

When I talk about increasing the time you spend creating value, I do not necessarily mean that you must work longer hours. Rather, you must spend more of your time only on activities that create the greatest value... that generate the most profi ts for your company. Whether you are an entrepreneur or an employee, you will have a list of things that you must do everyday as part of your responsibility. You will fi nd that not all the things you do create the same amount of value. There are some activities that create high value while some activities are low in value. In fact, I have discovered that most average income earners spend only about 20% of their workday doing truly high value added activities while they spend most of their time, about 80%, on low value activities like checking email, attending unproductive meetings, chit chatting, complaining, waiting, fi nding lost items... stuff that does not generate profi ts or help clients meet their goals. High-income earners are the opposite. They tend to spend 80% of their time on high value added activities like business development, closing sales, innovating new revenue streams, market strategizing, following up with prospects, strategizing on how to improve productivity, managing projects, getting feedback from clients... stuff that lead to high customer satisfaction and higher profi ts!

How to increase business profit

Conversion rate (ctd)
22  Convenient payment scheme
(NETS, Credit card)
23  Offer installment schemes with
zero interest
24  Allow mail order/home delivery
25  Address concerns/possible
objections upfront
26  Sell on value not price
Number of Repeat Business
1  Direct mail offers of the month
2  Keep in touch every 3 months
3  Inform your clients of your entire
range of services
4  Target likely repeat customers
5  Send special occasion cards
6  Make customers feel special
(super experience)
7  Build a close relationship
8  Create a loyalty program
Average Dollar Purchase
1  Focus on a higher income
target market
2  Use a shopping list
3  Sell add-ons/up sizes
4  Make sure your client knows your
full range of services
5  Suggest most expensive fi rst
6  Create value packages
7  Buy three get one free deals
8  Ask people to buy some more
9  Increase prices by 10%
10  Arrange easy fi nance and payment
11  Free gift/lucky draw with
$xx purchase
Net Profi t Margins
1  Increase prices
2  Sell on value/service than
3  Set monthly budget targets
4  Track costs weekly and aim to
reduce by 10%
5  Stop running ads that don’t work
6  Sell more higher margin items
1  TV, Radio or Newspaper advertising
2  Industry newsletter advertising
3  Internet/email advertising
4  Magazine advertising
5  Outdoor advertising
6  Flyers
7  Hold a promotion or sale
8  Ask for referrals
9  Offer a free gift
10  Insert into other company’s invoice
11  Letterbox fl yers
12  Sales teams
13  Telemarketing
14  Buying or swapping database
15  Hold seminars, events or roadshows
16  Attractive window display/video
17  Posters and large signage
Conversion Rate
1  Defi ne your unique selling
2  Set sales targets
3  Have excellent customer service
4  Introduce yourself
5  Survey your past customers
6  Sell key benefi ts passionately
7  High quality in store
8  In-store sales scripts
9  Act as a consultant/problem solver
10  Give a money back guarantee
11  Have a benefi ts/testimonials list
12  Give free bonuses that
increase value
13  Greet prospects and use their name
14  Learn closing techniques
15  Ask for the sale more than once
16  Personal grooming/high
dress standards
17  Video in store displays
18  Leave price to last
19  Study and prepare for objections
20  Have specialized knowledge about
your product & industry
21  Focus on the client’s needs and
emphasize benefi ts
Strategies to Increase Your Business Profi ts

How to increase profit margin?

Finally, how can you increase your company’s profi t margins? You can

  • l  Source for cheaper suppliers which are just as good
  • l  Bargain hard with existing suppliers
  • l  Sell higher margin products fi rst
  • l  Increase working effi ciency (do it right the fi rst time)
  • l  Strategize how to reduce unnecessary costs...

How to increase repeated customer?

What can you do to boost the number of times your customer keeps
coming back? Well, you can...

  • l  Exceed their expectations & give them a wonderful experience
  • l  Build a friendship with them
  • l  Keep in regular contact
  • l  Send them special occasion cards
  • l  Start a loyalty program
  • l  Give them a discount voucher off their next purchase...

Increasing Average Dollar Purchase

I gave you an example earlier on about the advertising account
director  who  was  able  to  convince  his  clients  to  increase  their
advertising budget. How? Because he showed them that by investing
an extra $300,000 in advertisements, they would be able to generate
$600,000 in additional profi ts. If you can show your clients that their
investment in your product will reap great returns, they will spend
more.  So what can you do in your company? Maybe you can:

  • l  Bundle several products in a package
  • l  Create a ‘buy three get one free’ promotion
  • l  Up sell & cross sell
  • l  Educate your customers on your entire range of services
  • l  Do  a  complete  needs-analysis  to  fi nd  out  how  you  can  add even more value  (remember  the example  I gave you about  the insurance agent?)... and the list goes on.

How to increase Conversion Rate

How  can  you  boost  your  company’s  conversion  rate? There  are
many strategies you could use such as...

  • l  Creating a more flexible payment plan (0% interest installment)
  • l  Offer a product guarantee
  • l  Use successful testimonials
  • l  Create more persuasive marketing materials like brochures, videos
  • l  Use NLP* techniques to build strong rapport with clients
  • l  Innovate a new persuasive sales script that works
  • l  Create a more powerful, impressive & persuasive presentation
  • l  Keep following up with prospects regularly...  and the list goes on

How to increase lead?

l  Learn how to create more effective advertisements    
(Stronger headlines, more persuasive copy, i.e. text)
l  Test  new media  channels  (e.g. Newspaper, magazine,  outdoor
ads etc...)
l  Make more cold calls
l  Use telemarketing efforts
l  Hold seminars & road shows
l  Increase networking efforts
l  Hold special promotions
l  Create a referral system or member get member scheme
l  Start email marketing... the list goes on

How to Double Your Company’s Profits in Less than Six Months

Many people have asked me, ‘what can I do to increase my company’s sales and profi ts?’. Whether you are an entrepreneur or an employee, I am going to share with you a formula that you can use to double the profi ts of your department or company within less than six months. I call this the Profi t Multiplication Formula. In any kind of business, profi ts are only determined by fi ve variables: Leads generated, conversion rate, average dollar purchase, average repeat business and net profi t margins. Leads represent the number of potential customers or prospects that the company generates through walk-ins, inquiries, cold calls & recommendations. Let’s say that out of every ten prospects, two eventually end up buying, this means that the company’s average conversion rate is 20%.

How do you create value?

There are only two ways you can create value for your clients.

 1. Help them reach their goals faster and more easily or
 2. Help them solve their problems faster and more easily.

What some peole are rich and some are not?

Your Income is A Refection of the Value You Create Let’s fi rst focus on how your income is determined by the value you create. Well, let me give you a metaphor. Recently I went to the mall to buy a new mobile phone. When I found the mobile phone shop, I saw all kinds of brands and models on display – the price tags they carried all differed widely. I saw a Sony Ericsson 910i model that had a price tag of $1,400 and a Nokia 2600 with a price tag of $238. Now, why is one mobile phone priced seven times more than another? The answer is simple. It’s because one phone has a lot more functions and can hence create a lot more value to the user. The Sony Ericsson 910i is able to make calls, send & receive SMS, send & receive MMS, record and edit videos, play & edit music, take high quality pictures, surf the internet, entertain with games, send and receive emails, has word processing and spreadsheet capabilities, has Bluetooth technology and has an in-built personal digital assistant. In short, it is not just a phone, it is a mini computer! It does a lot more than expected (remember millionaire habit 1). It creates a lot more value for the user by allowing him to achieve his goals more effi ciently. So let me ask you a question. Which mobile phone do you represent? What is the price tag that you carry? If you want to have a higher price tag and have people pay for you, then you must create the necessary value! What allows the Sony Ericsson 910i to create so much more value? The answer is that it has a lot more software installed. How does this translate to you? Well, in order for you to create a lot more value to your company and your clients, you must keep upgrading your knowledge and skills, your intellectual capital!

How to create financial plan?

As you can see, different cash fl ow assets give you different rates 
of  returns  and while  some  require  lots  of  capital,  others  require 
mainly the investment of time and ideas. For example, if you were 
to rely purely on high yielding bonds of 8% return, you will need 
$600,000  to  generate  $48,000  a  year  ($48,000 ÷  8%)  in  passive 
income (i.e. $4,000 a month). If you were to create a home-based 
Internet business, a $2,300 investment could through time and hard 
work, generate you a monthly $4,000 cash fl ow. Stay tuned on how 
you can possibly do this in the coming section on ‘Creating Multiple 
Streams of Income Online’. 

Simple tips to become millionare

Spend Less than You Earn. Invest the Savings for COMPOUND GROWTH Until You Accumulate a Portfolio of POSITIVE CASH FLOW ASSETS that Generate Enough Cash Flow to Sustain or Exceed Your DESIRED LIFESTYLE.

Rich Cash Flow

So how do the rich manage their money? How do they achieve a level of wealth where they do not have to work if they choose not to? Those with the wealthy mindset adopt a ‘earn, save and spend’ habit of managing their cash. They set a specifi c target of how much they want to save every month, usually 15%-20%. They deduct this savings from the income they earn and spend the rest. Unlike those with the ‘middle class mentality’, the rich mindset motivates them to take their savings and invest in Positive Cash Flow Assets that will generate returns and appreciate in value. They would rather put their money in carefully selected stocks, mutual funds and businesses than to splurge on the latest LCD Plasma Television. Although they may buy a few luxuries to pamper themselves, their Positive cash fl ow assets far outweigh their Negative Cash Flow Assets. As a result, the additional passive income generated from their investments outweighs whatever expenses they incur on these ‘extras’.

How to become millionaire with money

In the New York Times Best-Selling book ‘The Millionaire Next Door’, Thomas J. Stanley interviewed 300 self-made American millionaires to fi nd out how they think, how they earn their money and how they spend their wealth. What he discovered was a shocking revelation that made his book an instant best-seller. It was discovered that many people who had high paying jobs, drove the latest luxury cars and wore the latest designer clothes and who appeared to be have millions to spend, were usually broke with a low personal net worth. Most of these professionals and senior executives of multi-national companies were what he termed ‘Under Accumulators of Wealth (UAW)’. In contrast, those who were actual millionaires (that is those with a net worth of over US$1 million) lived very frugally and well below their means. Eighty-percent of them were born poor or from middle class families. They wore inexpensive suits and never bought a watch that cost more than S$500. Most of them drove secondhand cars, never bought the latest models of vehicles and they usually invested a minimum of 20% of their income in the stock market or private businesses. He termed these people ‘Prodigious Accumulators of Wealth (PAW)’. I must admit that when I was much younger, I too had the same distorted beliefs about how real millionaires lived. When I was a kid, I used to admire and envy people who drove the latest Porsche Boxsters and who lived in Penthouses and lived lavish lifestyles. My millionaire Dad (who never bought a brand new car in his life until he turned 50), used to tell me that these people were in reality quite broke and it was really the bank who owned their houses and their fl eet of cars. He said that they were one paycheck away from going broke. I never really understood what he meant until much later on in my life.

Common Negative Beliefs & Associations About Money

After conducting this exercise with thousands of people in different
countries, I have found the following common negative associations
consistently being revealed. Do you share any of them?

  • l  Money is the ‘root of all evil’
  • l  Money will make you materialistic
  • l  Money will make you less spiritual
  • l  If I became wealthy, I will lose all my friends
  • l  Money doesn’t grow on trees
  • l  Rich people are greedy and selfi sh
  • l  Rich people are stingy
  • l  To get rich, you must be lucky, dishonest or really smart
  • l  Money will not buy you happiness
  • l  Money isn’t that important anyway
  • l  To have more money, I will be depriving others of it
  • l  If God wanted us to have money, he would give it to us

Millionaire Habit 9: Respect & Love Money

The fi nal and one of the most important wealth habits is to respect and love money. I don’t mean loving money to the extent that you are a slave to it, but loving money for the good it can do for you and the people around you. Most people I share this with often respond by saying, ‘Well, of course I love money! Of course I respect money.’ Who doesn’t? If I didn’t love money for what it can do, I wouldn’t be reading this book. Well there are many people who consciously desire to be rich and know that money is important. However, at a deeper level they may not realize that their subconscious mind either holds many limiting beliefs about money or associate lots of negative feelings towards money. These negative associations cause them to repel money and prevent them from becoming rich without even realizing it. I remember a time when I gave a seminar to a group of teenagers nd I was teaching them about the power of spotting opportunities nd taking action on them. I took out a $10 bill and said that I was elling it for $2. I waved the bill in my hand for a good 10 minutes sking if there were any takers, but none came up. Eventually, one boy hesitantly came up and took the money. ‘Buying this $10 note for $2 represents a great profi t opportunity, so why didn’t any of you come up?’ I asked. The answers I got were: ‘I didn’t want people to think I was money-faced’, ‘I did not want to cheat you of your money’, ‘I thought it must be a trick’. In other words, what prevented them from taking action on any opportunity were the limiting beliefs and associations they had formed about money. The scary thing is that the same thing happens in life! Why is it that some people see and act on money making opportunities everyday while others just don’t see them? Again, it is because of the beliefs that have been formed in their subconscious mind.

Millionaire Habit 8: The Ability to Turn Failure into Success

The fi nal millionaire habit is the ability to accept failure and to turn it into success. Most people have the impression that successful people never fail and that millionaires never lose money. As a result, many people fear failure and shun those who have fl opped. This is a huge lie and distortion that prevents people from becoming rich. The truth is that everybody fails at one point or another. In fact, millionaires fail more times than anybody else because they take so much more action. I have made countless stupid mistakes, lost a lot of money and have failed so often that I have lost count. So mark my words, you will fail many times before you ever succeed. What’s important is what you do about failure. This is the critical habit that makes the difference between the rich and the poor. There are three ways people respond to failure. The fi rst group of people get so disappointed by their failure that they just give up! They would say, ‘I tried it but I failed’ or ‘I tried investing but it didn’t

How do I know if I am truly passionate about something?

Whenever I teach this in my seminars, people will always have two more questions for me. The fi rst question is, ‘How do I know if I am truly passionate about something?’ To fi nd the answer, just ask yourself this question, ‘If I had all the money in the world, would I still be in this career/business?’ If the answer is ‘yes’, then it is truly your passion. If the answer is ‘no’, then you are defi nitely in the wrong industry. In fact, when I had the opportunity to interview the top insurance advisors in Singapore (I specialize in insurance sales training), I found that those who were highly successful, earning over $500,000 a year, had one thing in common.

Millionaire Habit 5: Do What You Love

The most common question that people ask me about getting rich is, ‘what is the best career or business that will make me the most money?’ Should I go into education? Food? Insurance? Network marketing? Heathcare? Options trading? Property? What’s the best industry to be in right now? Well, you will fi nd that in ANY industry, there will be a minority who will be making plenty of money, while the majority will be struggling to survive. You hear stories of insurance agents earning $600,000 to $1 million a year (many of them are my personal friends). Again, this is the minority. The majority will be just making enough to get by. Many people see me in the children’s education business making millions and think that it’s a lucrative business. Again, what they don’t know is that I am in the minority. The majority of businesses in education are struggling to survive. So my answer to that question is that you can become a millionaire in ANY INDUSTRY, only if you are one of the best! If you are not one of the best, you will never become rich in ANY industry. You CAN become a millionaire in insurance, property, options trading, children’s education, pest-control, retail, food or Internet marketing ONLY when you are one of the best. So, how do you become the best in the market? The answer is by being totally, absolutely one hundred percent committed towards your particular career or business. People become the best at what they do only because they eat, sleep, breathe, talk and think their business eighteen hours a day (sometimes, they even dream about it as they sleep). In other words, they are obsessed with doing what they do and are constantly fi nding ways to do it better. And the only way you can become totally obsessed and committed towards something is when you have a love and passion for it!

Millionaire Habit 3: Take 100% Responsibility

As this wealth habit has already been introduced and explained in the earlier chapter, I am just going to just mention it briefl y. Wealth habit number three is the habit of taking responsibility for your results and wealth! Unfortunately most people choose to adopt the victim’s mindset of giving excuses, blaming and complaining. Remember when you give excuses to yourself (i.e. no time, no luck, no capital, no experience, etc...) or blame others for your lack of wealth, then you are putting others and external events in control of your life! When you are not in control, you do not have the power to change your circumstances. Instead, millionaires take 100% responsibility for their wealth. They believe that they alone create their wealth through their strategies and actions. As a result, they know that they have the power to change their wealth by changing their strategies and actions. It is only when you live by this habit will you have the power to exponentially multiply your income and wealth.

Millionare mindset 2: Be proactive

People who are proactive are people who take the initiative to make things happen. When there are no opportunities, proactive people are those that go out and fi nd opportunities. If they cannot fi nd any, they will create their own opportunities. When problems get in their way, proactive people will take action to solve their own problems! On the other hand, there would always be an even larger number of people who will just stand around and wait for others to come and shake their hand. These people exhibit the reactive mindset. People with the reactive mindset have the habit of waiting for things to happen to them. They tend to act only in reaction to others’ actions. As a result, they have a lot less control and choices over results that affect them. When no opportunities present themselves, reactive people just sit and wait for the opportunities to come to them.

Why 90% business failed?

As an entrepreneur today, you must do a lot more than expected in order to run a successful business and create wealth! In the past economies were a lot less competitive. In the past, when a business performed below customer’s expectations, they would be struggling to break even. If a business met their customer’s expectations, they would make good profi ts. If a business exceeded their customer’ expectations, they would become a market leader and would earn huge profi ts! Why do over 90% of businesses fail today? It’s because markets have become so much more competitive. If you start a retail store you are competing with hundreds of others, both locally and internationally! Today, if you perform below customer’s expectations customers will never come back and you will go bust! Today, i you meet customer expectations, you will still be struggling to survive! Why? This is because hundreds of other businesses can also meet your client’s expectations, and some of them do so at half your cost. You will fi nd that you will be competing on price most of the time and will earn so little that it is hardly worth your while. I have seen so many business owners struggling to break even simply because what they offer is the same as every other business in their industry In today’s marketplace, if you exceed your client’s expectations you will only earn nominal profi ts because many businesses already do their best to add more value to their clients. So how do you make huge profi ts and become a millionaire in business today? The answer is that you have to go way beyond your client’s expectations. You have to give them an unbelievable experience where they will keep coming back to your business and tell all their friends about you. You must set your standards so high that they will never go to anyone else for that particular product or service. When you highly exceed your client’s expectations, you can charge a premium and make huge profi ts. This has been my secret of success for all my businesses and I want you to learn this same secret right now!

Why millionare is a value creator?

It is not something you are born with, it has got nothing to do with your academic qualifi cations but it is a habit of choice that anyone can adopt. Value creators have the habit of doing a lot more than expected. If they are paid $3,000, they will work as if they are being paid $20,000. If they are expected to generate $10,000 worth of profi ts, they will create $30,000 worth of value! They are called value creators because they create value for companies. It is through their efforts, that the company makes more and more profi ts every year. As a result, their income is not considered an expense to the company, but a great investment. Even in periods of downturns, when everyone else is getting retrenched and pay cuts, they get pay increases, bonuses and stock options. The company knows that for every dollar they invest in them, they will return triple the value. These people are the high fl yers who get promoted super fast and get their incomes doubling and tripling in a few years. In the past, income was based mainly on seniority and loyalty. The longer you stayed, the more you were valued. In today’s world, income is based entirely on the amount of value you can create. It is not uncommon to see people who are much younger, with a lot less experience directing businesses and earning lots more than senior workers who have been with the company a lot longer. Value creators are indispensable assets to their company! They are very hard to replace. And that is why companies will pay them more and more and offer them partnerships to retain them. Value creators are never out of a good job. They are usually head hunted by other companies all the time, the head hunters offering to double their income if they join them. So, the fi rst unbreakable habit of wealth is to do a lot more than expected. In chapter 6, you will learn specifi cally about how to create massive value that will lead to massive income!

What is Millionaire Habit 1

Always Exceed Expectations Before I explain what this first habit means, I want you to list down in the spaces below, at least fi ve reasons why becoming rich is important to you. Why do you want to make more money? Is it to provide your children with the best education, to have peace of mind or to have the freedom to travel round the world? Unless you know WHY you want to be rich, you will never have the passion to go for it. Take as much time as you need to list down the reasons DO MORE THAN EXPECTED Create Value DO EXACTLY AS EXPECTED Sustain Value DO LESS THAN EXPECTED Reduce Value Indispensable Asset & High Return Investment to the Company Dispensable Asset & Low Return Investment to the Company Liability & Expense to the Company

How to protect your million dollar?

There is no use working hard to build your personal fortune only to see it all taken away from you. There are many people who have taken decades to build their fortune only to see it wiped out by an accident, unforeseen illness or through an unexpected lawsuit. Self-made millionaires engage professionals like insurance advisors, lawyers and accountants to help them build a fi nancial fortress so their wealth is protected from potential creditors, plaintiffs looking to sue and the government who may take away a big chunk of your wealth through a whole range of taxes that you may not have even heard about.

How to grow money to a million level

By increasing your income and reducing your expenses, you will fi nd that you will be able to accumulate a surplus of funds that you can use to help you build your fortune. You need to do this because, no matter how hard you work and save, you will never be able to create phenomenal wealth unless you learn how to put your money to work for you. Through the power of compounding, you will be able to take small sums of money and build it into huge returns over time. All self-made millionaires attribute a huge part of their wealth to their investments because they know that just working for money will never make them rich. It is when you allow your money to make you money that substantial wealth can be created. If you’ve had the bad experience of losing money in stocks and mutual funds and resigned yourself to believing that the only safe way to invest is to put your money in the bank and get 3% returns, don’t worry. The strategies that I will be sharing carry minimal risk. Remember self-made millionaires are shrewd risk takers and this is very different from being gamblers.

How to manage income

Many people think that by increasing their income, their wealth will automatically increase. Unfortunately, increasing income is only one side of the wealth equation. After all, there are people who earn $2,000 a month who are broke and there are those who earn $20,000 who are still broke. The reason is because when we don’t manage the money we earn, our expenses will always rise to our level of income, wiping out any surplus we have! Or worse, we start spending on credit lured by easy repayment schemes. Millionaires become rich not because of how much they earn, but rather how much they are able to save and invest.

Why most people never achieve their financial dreams?

Most people never achieve their financial dreams simply because they have no fi nancial plans and haven’t got a clue as to how to create one. They just work hard and hope that everything will be okay one day. You cannot leave your fi nancial future to chance, you have got to plan for it. While there are great fi nancial planners around who can give you some sound advice, you must ultimately take responsibility and develop your own plan! After all, it is your life we are talking about.

What is millionaire mindset?

First, learn and adopt the mindset of a millionaire. Millionaires think very differently and that is why they take different actions and produce vastly different results. Self-made millionaires have a different set of beliefs and habits that allow them to see opportunities where others see problems. Millionaires see learning experiences, where Mister Ordinary sees failure. The moment you adopt the beliefs and habits of a millionaire, your perception of the world will change completely and you will realize that there are money-making opportunities everywhere and everyday around you. Amazingly, these are opportunities that you were once quite blind to!

How to win Money Game?

You  see... making money  is a game.  If you  learn  the  rules of  this game, money  will  ? ow  into  your  hands.  If  you  do  not  play  by the rules, you will struggle all your life ? nancially despite working very hard. Haven’t you ever asked yourself why some people earn ? ve times, ten  times  or  even  twenty  times more  than  others?  Is  it  because they are twenty times smarter? Is it because they work twenty times harder? Or  are  they many  times  luckier? The  answer  to  all  these questions is a resounding ‘NO’! I am sure you know people who seemed to be much lazier than you  in  school  and had poorer  grades but now  they  are  so much more successful ? nancially. Although their school report card used to  be  chockfull  of ‘F’s,  their  ? nancial  report  card  carries  straight ‘A’s. Why? The only reason is because they know how to play the game of money whereas most people have not learnt how the game is played. You see... none of us are ever taught how to make money, how to invest money or how to manage our wealth and yet money is the most important subject in our adult lives. Although many people say that ‘money isn’t everything’, that’s only a half-truth. The truth is that ‘everything is money’! In order to achieve excellence in the different areas of  lives  like our health,  relationships and  family, we need to be ? nancially secure!

To  be financially  secure means  to  be ‘Free’  –  free  from  being hounded by creditors to pay one’s rent or the hospital to pay one’s bill. To have  suffi cient money  to  feed oneself  and one’s  family,  to pay  for  basic  needs  and  to  pamper  ourselves with  luxuries  once in a while. It also means  the ‘freedom’  to walk away  from a  job, a company, an employer, one cannot stand and have the option to be employed or  self-employed doing  something one values and finds fulfilling. No one  can quarrel with  this defi nition of  the need  to
have enough money.

What the Greatest Money Making Asset That Will Make You A Fortune

So what is this one asset that all of us already have at our disposal? No,  it’s  not  your  double  degree, MBA  or  PhD.  from  the  best universities. And  no,  it’s  not  the  inheritance  the ‘lucky’  get  from rich dad, rich uncle or rich grandma to kick-start their business.  No,  this  asset  is  so  powerful  that  it  will  not  just  give  you  a 4%  return  like  the bank or even  a 20%  return which you would expect  from  the  stock market. This  asset has  the potential  to give you  in? nite  returns.  In  fact,  it  can,  if passionately developed, give you a 1000% return on your time investment.

This asset is your mind, also known as your intellectual asset! When you  invest  time and money  to expand your knowledge and  skills,  especially  your  ? nancial  education,  it  will  return  you millions of dollars in income streams for the rest of your life! And that  is exactly  the purpose of  this book,  to massively  increase  the power of your intellectual asset.